Mayor Michael Nutter
Mayor Michael Nutter

Mayor Nutter, the 98th mayor of Philadelphia, has set a course for America’s sixth largest city aimed at growing the regional economy in a sustainable manner, dramatically improving public safety and investing in education and workforce development.Since taking office in January 2008, Mayor Nutter has implemented a crime fighting strategy that has seen a sharp decline in the homicide rate and continuing reductions in other violent crime.
He has committed the city and the Philadelphia School District to increase the school graduation rate by 50 percent in five to seven years and to double the college attainment rate in five to 10 years.With a pledge to make Philadelphia the greenest city in America, Mayor Nutter has launched an aggressive strategy, Greenworks Philadelphia that will reduce the city’s carbon footprint and train Philadelphians for new green collar jobs, from weatherization to solar panel installation.
Long committed to careful planning of development, Mayor Nutter has reoriented city government, giving primacy to planning as the city prepares for future development along the Delaware River, the Navy Yard and Philadelphia International Airport. He has reorganized the city’s Commerce Department to improve its assistance to small businesses and to foster minority- and women-owned business.Within city government, Mayor Nutter has begun a reform drive that includes the creation of a 311 Call Center to serve better the service needs of city residents. And his administration has set bright line standards for ethical conduct, increased funding for the city’s Inspector General’s office and established the city’s first ever Chief Integrity Officer. In response to the deepest recession in generations, Mayor Nutter launched a nationally recognized mortgage foreclosure program that links at-risk homeowners with housing counseling and related services.
Born in Philadelphia, Mayor Nutter grew up in West Philadelphia with his parents, who instilled in him a deep interest in community service, his sister and grandmother. An academic scholarship recipient, he graduated from St. Joseph’s Preparatory High School. He later graduated from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania.