GIC’s Delegation to Prague & Warsaw 2024

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We invite you to join GIC for its Delegation to Prague and Warsaw.  We are delighted to feature this event as a College of Central Bankers themed delegation with our Fellows,  Zdenek Tuma, Former Governor of the Czech National Bank supporting our plans in Prague and Katarzyna Zajdel Kurowska, Former Board Member of the National Bank of Poland, supporting our plans in Warsaw.

Our program in Prague and Warsaw takes on a different structure from GIC’s classic conferences. We will welcome a delegation, limited to 12 Members, to participate in a series of private dinners, meetings, and cultural activities spanning two European cities over the course of six days.  Our Delegations offer our Members an exclusive opportunity spend time networking with other members from the U.S. and abroad, join private conversations with regional and international industry leaders in meetings held under Chatham House Rule, and experience the local colors and flavors of the destination through regional dining and cultural activities. The package includes 7 nights in 5 star accommodations, all meals, and tickets to all tours, museums as described in the itinerary.

Our Delegation programs have taken place worldwide, offering our Members unique experiences such as lunch with Cuban entrepreneurs at an authentic paladar in Havana, a private meeting with senior officials at the National Palace in Mexico City, an exclusive visit inside the Casa Rosada in Buenos Aires, and joining the Festival of Thinkers celebration dinner hosted by the Higher Colleges of Technology in Dubai.