Contact Information

(215) 922-2317

1136 Arch Street, #400
Philadelphia, PA 19107
United States

Reading Terminal Market

Organization/Business type
Migrated automatically.

Mouth-watering aromas. Locally grown and exotic produce. Amish specialties. Fresh meats, seafood, and poultry. Handmade confections and baked goods straight from the oven. Everything you need to create a memorable meal, from cookbooks, to table linens, to kitchen ware, to fresh cut flowers, and more. Plus the widest variety of restaurants under one roof. Find it all at Philadelphia’s historic public market, Reading Terminal Market!

Mission Statement

  • To preserve the architectural and historical character, and function, of the Reading Terminal Market as an urban farmers’ market.
  • To provide a wide variety of produce, meat, fish, bakery and dairy products, and other raw and prepared food, brought to a public market in the center of the city by farmers, growers, producers and chefs;
  • To maintain an environment that recognizes and celebrates the diversity of our citizens and fosters their interaction;
  • To strengthen the historic link and mutual dependency of our rural and urban communities; and,
  • To achieve this, while preserving the financial viability and achieving self-sufficiency for the Market.
Hospitality and Promotion