Growing Up Global: Raising Children to be At Home in the World - the Book

In today’s increasingly interconnected world, how do we prepare our children – and ourselves – to succeed and to become happy, informed global citizens?
A mother of three, Homa Sabet Tavangar has 25+ years’ experience helping governments create the conditions to spur global competitiveness, advising businesses on how to thrive abroad, talking to parents on raising global citizens, and training K-12 to adult educators on building global competencies and bringing the world into their classrooms.
In the acclaimed Growing Up Global, Tavangar shares her “parenting toolbox” to help give all children a vital global perspective. Through subsequent publications and projects, she has served as a leading voice in creating the conditions across learning environments and media to break barriers, and build global connections, social-emotional learning, equity, creativity and innovation.
The challenges of globalization, diversity, sustainability, and peace have never been greater. We need relevant, rigorous, empathy-building, 21st-Century education that helps make sense of these border-less issues and innovates around real human experiences. Homa’s work shows that this need not be overly complicated and can begin anywhere, right now.
For more information and to buy the book, visit