
Project for Nuclear Awareness P.O. Box 5677 Philadelphia, PA 19129
United States

Project for Nuclear Awareness (PNA)

Organization/Business type
Migrated automatically.

Who We Are

The Project for Nuclear Awareness (PNA) seeks to end the global threat of nuclear weapons by educating the public and lawmakers about the dangers of nuclear weapons, the need for nuclear disarmament, and the urgent necessity of nuclear non-proliferation.

PNA endorses a program of multilateral disarmament towards the eventual abolition of nuclear weapons. Our educational and legislative agendas focus on

  • De-alerting existing arsenals, to reduce the threat of a cataclysmic accidental war
  • Preventing the development of a new generation of nuclear weapons, a totally unnecessary expense in our spending-constrained times
  • Respecting existing treaties
  • Banning weapons in outer space and ultimately creating a nuclear-weapons-free world based on a binding multilateral treaty

What We Do

The Project for Nuclear Awareness implements strategically designed programs that encourage global cooperation and understanding.

Our University Nuclear Education Program helps prepare future leaders by providing the skills and knowledge necessary to participate actively in society. Our programs promote the message that creating a more secure future requires persistence, visionary work, and hope.

PNA works on nuclear security including risks from nuclear wastes and terrorism.

Friends of PNA

Friends of PNA is a membership program for the Project for Nuclear Awareness that is designed to enhance our relationships with our supporters.

Benefits of Friends of PNA:

  • Stay informed—receive our periodic e-newsletters and action updates
  • Save money--receive a discount on selected PNA programs
  • Receive a gift-- on membership levels above $50

Levels of Membership

  • $25 for Buddies
  • $50 for Friends (receive PNA t-shirt)(this is the minimum level for organizations to join)
  • $100 for Allies (receive book about nuclear issues)
  • $150 (+) for Ambassadors (receive book about nuclear issues)
  • Special Student Rate -- $10 for Students!

To join, please visit our Friends of PNA page.

Together, through knowledge and proper action, we can eliminate the global threat of nuclear weapons!



Community Development