Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy (OACCE)

Organization/Business type
Government and Public Administration
Migrated automatically.

The mission of the Office is to support and promote arts, culture and the creative industries; and to develop partnerships and coordinate efforts that weave arts, culture and creativity into the economic and social fabric of the City.

The Office manages and oversees City arts programs, provides policy advice to the Mayor and other Administration officials and serves as the primary point of municipal contact for local organizations, businesses, artists and creative entrepreneurs.

Key Objectives & Strategies
The overarching goals and objectives of the OACCE are to lead the coordination of public and private sector efforts needed to ensure that:

1) The Philadelphia region is recognized internationally as a world class city - a global center for the creation and enjoyment of arts and culture, as well as a welcoming home for individual artists and creative businesses;
2) The arts are accessible and relevant to as many Philadelphia residents and visitors as possible;
3) Arts, culture and the creative economy are core components of the City's economic development, tourism, promotional and community revitalization strategies;and
4) Artists, cultural organizations and creative businesses have access to the resources they need -- human, facilities and financial -- to be successful.

Arts and Culture