Contact Information

Northeast Philadelphia Chinese Association (NEPCA)

Northeast Philadelphia Chinese Association (NEPCA)
6331 Shelbourne Street
Philadelphia, PA 19111
United States

Northeast Philadelphia Chinese Association (NEPCA) of Culture Trust

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The Northeast Philadelphia Chinese Association (NEPCA) was founded in March 2018 to assist the Chinese immigrants in Northeast Philadelphia to navigate public resources and services and to connect to their community. NEPCA volunteers have been instrumentally stimulating the increase in Chinese language availability in public services and gaining attention to the needs of our constituents. We also facilitate and lead local Chinese residents to participate in community services to give back and to engage in civic matters to have voices in mainstream society. We envision that, with time, Chinese and all immigrants will work alongside other Americans to build a strong community. Their existence will be valued and appreciated. They can enjoy a whole, healthy life with joy, safety, and dignity.


Our Mission

The mission of the Northeast Philadelphia Chinese Association is to support Asian Americans in gaining equitable information and services and, at the same time, to be contributors to the community.


Our Objectives

Community Services: Build partnerships with community service partners to make public resources accessible to the Chinese as well as underserved residents in Northeast Philadelphia

Communication: Build a communication network among Chinese residents in the region to exchange information, assist with navigation for public resources, and keep informed in general matters

Life Enrichment: Implement and support programs and activities that promote community members' well-being, personal growth, and quality of life.

Civic Engagement: Advocate interests in common concerns and engagement in community building, bridge language and cultural gaps, and increase mutual understanding and awareness of diversity.


Northeast Philadelphia Chinese Association (NEPCA) 成立于2018年3月, 中文原名是 “東北費城華人協會”.    后来,于7 月 2019 加入大费城文化信托基金会(Culture Trust Greater Philadelphia) 並成為其麾下的聯邦認可的非營利 501(C)(3) 組織. 从此中文名字改为”東北費城公益协会” . 本会旨在帮助费城东北区的华人移民能公平获得公共信息和资源,缓解不懂英语的各种不便,并与其他族裔居民共同创建宜居社区. 协会志工致力提供中文翻译服务,并引起社会对中文语言服务需求的关注. 我们鼓励和牵引居民积极参与社区服务来回馈社会,并参与公民事务来争取和维护自己的权益, 从而能在主流社会有话语之地. 我们祈愿随着时间进步,华裔能与其他美国人一起并肩建设一个安全和美好的社会.华裔的存在能受到重视和赞赏, 人人可以平等享有完整, 健康,快乐,平安和有尊严的生活.






社区服务: 通过与各界服务机构建立合作关系使费城东北区居民得到公共服务和资源

通讯: 建立华人邻里互动与沟通平台。提供中文资讯来协助华裔民众了解社区情况,找公共资源

丰富生活: 实施和支持有益身心、个人成长和提升生活质量的活动。

提倡公民参与: 促使关注公共利益问題和倡导参与社区服务与建设,增进对多元文化社区的认知和相互理解,弥合语言和文化不同。


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