
610 S 2nd St, Philadelphia, PA 19147
United States

Magnum Group

Organization/Business type
Communication, Entertainment, Media
Migrated automatically.

Magnum Group, Inc. is a full-service foreign-language communications company established in 1992. Through strategic alliances in the US and other countries, we are able to apply modern technology and effective project management to the art of translation.

Magnum Group operates according to the Six Sigma organizational quality system principles. We define all parameters such as scope, time and resources before start of project; measure results at every stage of the translation process via progress reports; analyze possible gaps in the process to avoid project delays; improve processes and fill unforeseen gaps to stay on target; and carry multilevel continuous controls through contract coordinators, project managers, and client feedback.

Magnum Group's experienced team of translators, language specialists, DTP experts, and project managers is driven by principles of professional excellence and commitment to the highest standards of quality.