
Organization/Business type
Communication, Entertainment, Media
Migrated automatically.

Kosovo-Addis is a Digital Communication, Marketing, and Fundraising organization focused on helping international nonprofits capitalize on their online presence by using targeted communication strategies to engage with their support networks. Kosovo-Addis will be your ally, from conception to execution of your integrated online campaign.

They provide services that range from creative internet marketing strategy, website re-design and development, web content creation, email and print design, Google Grant and SEO management, social media strategy, and development of interactive content.

Founded by a team of nonprofit professionals with a depth and diversity of nonprofit, field, and development experience, the Kosovo-Addis team understands your needs, challenges, and expectations. Kosovo-Addis has conducted traditional and digital marketing and fundraising campaigns for organizations like CARE, Project HOPE, the National Foundation for Cancer Research, SOS-USA, and the Millenium Water Alliance. Through creative internet marketing campaigns, Kosovo-Addis helps clients leverage the power of their donor networks to increase performance, strengthen and increase outreach, and develop integrated and powerful branding strategies.