7011 Large St
Philadelphia, PA 19149
United States
Aid for the Children of Liberia (ACL)
Aid for the Children of Liberia (ACL)

Aid for the Children of Liberia (ACL), 501(c) (3), established in 2006, is a charity organization, dedicated to promoting child development by providing an opportunity for war affected and vulnerable children to have access to primary education, health, food, clothes, books, and a caring environment where their confidence, sense of belonging, self esteem and hope for the future can be restored.
Realizing the deplorable and life-threatening condition of the local children, ACL has acquired 250 acres of land, in Liberia, for the construction of ACL Child Development Center (Safe Home) to provide an environment that will develop their human potential and empower them for nation building by providing access to primary education, healthcare, and vocational life skills. ACL is trying to raise 1.65 million in order to develop the Safe Home project.
ACL has no funding sources. The organization solicits contributions from individuals and organizations to implement project activities. The organization continues to seek funding to promote Early Literacy, Adult Literacy, and Agriculture to support the future of vulnerable children in Liberia.
Our Mission
To promote child development by providing opportunities for vulnerable children to have direct access to education, food, healthcare, and environments where their confidence, sense of belonging, self-esteem, and hope for the future can be restored; help them develop skills through agriculture to be food secured.
1. Early Literacy
Early literacy is the most important investment any individual or family can undertake. That is when a successful future of the nation is framed. Thousands of vulnerable children in Liberia are languishing without opportunity to enter school. ACL has launched an early literacy intervention in the Giamusu and Weala communities, District 4, Margibi County, to provide opportunity and access to classroom. In September of 2022, we started the construction of a temporary 14-room school building to directly benefit 210 children.
2. Agriculture
Agriculture is the foremost source of food supply. It is vital to the overall health of the country's economy and promotes massive employment, human and food security. ACL is engaged in rice farming, including cassava, rubber, cocoa, vegetable crops, and livestock to create a sustainable food supply chain.
3. Adult Literacy
Adult Literacy Program is significant in helping adults gain literacy skills and enables them to help their children at home; reduces poverty through employment, improves their civic skills and helps them constructively engage in community decision making.