Joel Levinson

Architect, Author, and Photographer
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Levinson was the owner of an architecture and interior design firm for fifty years: Joel Levinson Associates. He is now semi-retired. His work, which has been honored by various universities, has been published in numerous professional journals and exhibitions. Levinson's architectural drawings are being collected by the Architectural Archives at the University of Pennsylvania.

Currently active as the Founder and Director of the Avenue of American History project. AAH is a new form of history 'museum' that invites Americans to record history in twenty-five year increments.  A digital version of the Avenue is under development and a brick and mortar version is also under study fora roll-out in Philadelphia in 2026 to commemorate 250 years since the nation's founding.

His novel, The Reluctant Hunter, published in 2013, takes place against the background of the Bosnian War.  Levinson also writes on various philosophical and scientific subjects which are accessible at:

He has written 20 articles for the Chestnut Hill Local on topics ranging from design to science.

A professional photographer, Levinson's photos from around the world have been exhibited at various venues in Philadelphia including the University City Science Center where Levinson designed two office buildings.

Levinson is founder of Space Group, a salon in existence for 11 years.  Members discuss and write about physics, cosmology, neuroscience, biology, evolution, etc.

Founder of the Architectural League of the Philadelphia Art Alliance where he organized the popular Broad Street Comes Alive Exhibition.

Currently working on a book titled OUT OF SQUARE: Signature Geometry of 20thCentury Art and Architecture.

Levinson has taught at Penn and lectures now at an elementary school about mysterious aspects at the intersection of science and perception