Contact Information

Caroline Dubois

Membership & Communication Coordinator - Global Philadelphia Association
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Communication Professional

Caroline Dubois holds a Master in Social Communication and Journalism. She graduated in 1999 from the Journalism School of Brussels (Ihecs - Presse & Information 99). Caroline has more than 15 years’ experience in the field of communication in Belgium.

She has worked as a freelance journalist and a communication specialist for a lobby representing small businesses & entrepreneurs. She also hosted a talk show on public television. Caroline learns and develops her skills wherever she can.

In 2014, she followed her husband to the US, in Philadelphia, and since then has devoted her time developing her own communication consultancy firm. She uses her skills in social media, event, and other tools to offer a full range of communication services tailored to businesses, organizations, public figures & individuals. Her experience and expertise allows her to shape compelling stories that highlight what is new and authentic. Caroline embraces every challenge that is thrown at her with hard work and enthusiasm. She ensures that key messages are delivered to the right targets by developing new communication tools that enhance the profile of her clients.

Global Philadelphia Association is one of her clients. Caroline is proud to work for an organization that promotes the many international assets of Greater Philadelphia.