17 SDGs

Sponsor the next phase of the SDG project

Global Philadelphia will gather the 18 works of art in a public setting such as a park or individual buildings to showcase our SDG Murals. This would allow all of the art to be easily accessible to tourists and Philadelphia residents during the 2026 celebrations. By showcasing these powerful works of art in a unified setting, we will highlight Philadelphia’s commitment to sustainability, global engagement, and community-driven change. Each mural, representing a different SDG, will serve as a conversation starter, inspiring individuals to reflect on the goals and consider their role in advancing them.

In addition to the physical display, we envision interactive elements such as guided tours, SDG gatherings, and educational resources about each SDG.

A sponsorship opportunity is available to cover the cost of the move of the SDG murals to one location in 2026.

The SDG Campaign's Goals

A unique, multi-layered initiative, our SDG campaign combines a creative mix of ingredients: the interpretive power of art, the knowledge and resources of our local academic communities, the strong will of corporate and individuals sponsors and more. This combined with the financial contributions to local nonprofit organizations, truly exemplifies the shared goals within our city, and the community who supports us.


If you're interested in the next phase of the SDG project, please reach out to us. 

If you are unable to reach out online, please call 215-563-2482 for details.