SDG #13: Climate Action
Sustainable Development Goal 13 is to limit and adapt to climate change, one of the greatest threats of our time.
The official mission statement of this goal is to "Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts."
Essity, the Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education, mural artist Calo Rosa, and the Global Philadelphia Association collaborated to unveil SDG #13 Climate Action on June 5, 2024, World Environment Day, at Drexel University.

About the Grantee
Each mural project contains a grant awarded to a deserving organization doing related work.
Founded in 1965, the Schuylkill Center is one of the first urban environmental education centers in the country, with 365 acres of fields, forests, ponds, and streams in northwest Philadelphia. They work through four core program areas: environmental education, environmental art, land stewardship, and wildlife rehabilitation.
Essity, the sponsor of SDG #13, awarded a $3,000 grant to the Schuylkill Center to continue their work in protecting Philadelphia's environment.
About SDG #13 & Essity
Essity, the sponsor of SDG #13, is a leading global hygiene and health company offering products and services that make a difference every day in people’s lives. Their purpose is to break barriers to well-being for the benefit of consumers, patients, care givers and customers across the globe, as well as for the benefit of society and the planet. As a business, they pursue global and local initiatives to raise awareness and standards for hygiene and health to drive social impact.
"Climate change is a real and undeniable threat to our entire civilization.The effects are already visible and will be catastrophic unless we act now. Through education, innovation and adherence to our climate commitments, we can make the necessary changes to protect the planet. These changes also provide huge opportunities to modernize our infrastructure which will create new jobs and promote greater prosperity across the globe."

About the Artist
Born in San Salvador, lives and works in Philadelphia.
From a family of artists with diverse media including graphic design, Brazilian percussion, oil painting, and cake-making. He holds a degree in Fine and Visual Arts from the Centro Nacional de Artes (CENAR) and a degree in graphic design from Don Bosco University. After becoming frustrated with the exclusivity of the San Salvador gallery scene, he began to define his own street art style. His colorful pieces portray the vibrant Latin American culture, and mirror the sounds, roots, and forms of the urban-tropical lifestyle.