SDG #12: Responsible Consumption and Production

On November 13th, 2024, the Global Philadelphia Association will host the unveiling of a mural dedicated to SDG #12: Responsible Consumption and Production. This global goal focuses on reducing waste, promoting sustainable resource use, and rethinking how we consume and produce goods to protect the planet.

The mural, designed by artist Margaret Hobson-Baker, captures the essence of these critical issues through compelling visuals. Sponsored by Villanova University and supported by the Center for Carbon Literacy and Sustainable Education Initiative, the event aims to spark awareness and action around sustainability.

The unveiling will take place from 3pm to 5pm at the Connelly Center on Villanova's campus, offering a powerful reminder of the need for responsible consumption and environmental stewardship.

sdg 12 preview

Unveiling Details

Sponsor: Villanova University

Artist: Margaret Hobson-Baker

Grantee: Farmer Jawn

Date & Time: November 13th, 2024 ; 3pm - 5pm

Location: Connelly Center, Villanova University, 800 E Lancaster Ave, Villanova, PA, 19085

artist photo

Meet the artist

Maggie is an artist, designer and Assistant Professor in Studio Art, living and working in the Philadelphia Area. Her work reflects her love of shape, color, nature and design.  She loves drawing on her iPad, and Bamboo Tablet as well as working with traditional materials. 

You can often find her with her camera and sketchbook in the woods.  She is especially interested in the dialogue between traditional and digital platforms in the creation of art and visual images.  

About SDG #12

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production is a key goal in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aimed at promoting sustainable practices worldwide. It highlights the need to use natural resources efficiently, reduce waste, and minimize environmental impacts across production and consumption cycles. With global population growth and increased consumption, current patterns of resource use are unsustainable, threatening ecosystems and future generations.

Goal 12 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs

At the heart of SDG 12 is the idea of "doing more and better with less." It calls for a shift toward circular economies where materials are reused, recycled, and reduced, leading to lower levels of waste and pollution. This goal also addresses the role of businesses and consumers in adopting sustainable practices, from reducing food waste to ensuring that production processes are environmentally responsible.

Achieving SDG 12 is essential for combating climate change and preserving biodiversity. By fostering sustainable consumption and production, we can move toward a world where economic growth and environmental sustainability coexist, ensuring that future generations can meet their own needs without depleting the planet’s resources.


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