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3451 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
United States
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pennsylvania

At the University of Pennsylvania, you'll find a historic, Ivy League school with highly selective admissions and a history of innovation in interdisciplinary education and scholarship. You'll also find a picturesque campus amidst a dynamic city and a world-class research institution.
Intellectual rigor and a practical outlook
Penn carries on the principles and spirit of its founder, Benjamin Franklin: entrepreneurship, innovation, invention, outreach, and a pragmatic love of knowledge. Franklin's practical outlook has remained a driving force in the university's development.
Top students
Today Penn is home to a diverse undergraduate student body of over 10,000, hailing from every state in the union and all around the globe. Penn consistently ranks among the top 10 universities in the country. Another 10,000 students are enrolled in Penn's 12 graduate and professional schools, which are national leaders in their fields. The Wharton School is consistently one of the nation's top three business schools. The School of Nursing is one of the best in the U.S. The School of Arts and Sciences, Graduate School of Education, Law School, School of Medicine, School of Veterinary Medicine, and Annenberg School for Communication all rank among the top schools in their fields.
Admissions are among the most selective in the country and Penn received 26,941 applications for admission to the Class of 2014. Of those applicants, 3,841, or 14.3 percent, were offered admission. 97 percent of the students admitted for Fall 2010 came from the top 10 percent of their high school graduating class. The middle 50% of scores, as well as the median scores, on each of the three SAT components, are as follows:
- SAT Reading component: 670 to 760, with a median of 730
- SAT Math component: 700 to 790, with a median of 750
- SAT Writing component: 690 to 780, with a median of 740
2,410 students matriculated into this year's freshman class.
A singular campus
With its green lawns and landmark architecture, our beautiful West Philadelphia campus houses all of Penn's activities, from student life, athletics, and academics to research, scholarship, and cultural life. All of Penn's 12 schools are located within walking distance of one another. This geographical unity, unique among Ivy League schools, supports and fosters Penn's interdisciplinary approach to education, scholarship, and research.
A vibrant city
Penn's picturesque campus is situated near the heart of Philadelphia, a vital and lively city. Our students and faculty enjoy both campus life and the expansive cultural offerings of the city. Penn makes a substantial investment in its surrounding neighborhood and offers ways for students and faculty to make community service part of their educational experience.
Crossing boundaries
True to our roots, Penn encourages both intellectual and practical pursuits. On our unified campus, this flexible mindset makes Penn a national leader in interdisciplinary programs, crossing traditional academic and professional boundaries to engage participants in the pursuit of new -- and useful -- knowledge. In addition to numerous cross-disciplinary majors and joint-degree programs, Penn is home to interdisciplinary institutions such as the Institute for Medicine and Engineering, the Joseph H. Lauder Institute for Management and International Studies, and the Management and Technology Program.
Powerful research
With 165 research centers and institutes, research is a substantial and esteemed enterprise at Penn. As of fiscal year 2011, the research community includes over 4,000 faculty and over 1,100 postdoctoral fellows, over 5,400 academic support staff and graduate student trainees, and a research budget of $814 million. The scale and interdisciplinary character of our research activities make Penn a nationally-ranked research university.