Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
10 N Independence Mall
5th Fl SW
Philadelphia, PA 19106
United States
Global Interdependence Center (GIC)
Global Interdependence Center (GIC)
Organization/Business type

They engage experts to identify emerging economic, social and political issues vital to the interdependent global community. GIC organizes country and region-specific meetings, conferences and briefings for educational and networking opportunities.
Their signature programming comprises international trips, domestic conferences, lunch time meetings, evening lectures, and roundtable discussions. Included among these programs are:
Annual Monetary and Trade Conference: This gathering together of global leaders has been held since 1979. Past speakers include Paul Volcker, chair of the International Accounting Standards Board and former chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Lawrence Kudlow and Robert Hormats, noted free-market economists, and chief economists for the International Monetary Fund and representatives from global finance and trade organizations.
The Central Banking Series: Events in this series assemble well-known bankers to speak on their countries' monetary policies, their views on U.S. economics and the business ramifications of monetary systems.
Topical Programs: When an emerging issue changes the way we view the world, or calls for action, the Global Interdependence Center assembles experts to respond. Recent events have addressed terrorist attacks, health emergencies and economic crises.
- GIC Abroad: These trips bring GIC members together with local political and economic leaders, with an emphasis on promoting exchange and transparency. Delegations have traveled the globe visiting nearly every continent. Recent locations include Abu Dhabi, Milan, Paris, Tokyo and Warsaw.
Business and Commerce
Global Affairs
Higher Education & Research