Gerben IP
21 S 11th St
Philadelphia, PA 19107
United States
Gerben IP
Gerben IP

Specializing in US Trademarks with over 8,000 successful registrations, Gerben IP is a world-renowned IP law firm. With a physical office located in Philadelphia, we service clients in all 50 US states. Founder, Josh Gerben, is dedicated to providing you the best services related to trademarks, copyrights, and patents.
Gerben IP is trusted by national news media on major trademark stories, having been featured on ESPN, Wall Street Journal, and ABA Journal to name a few.
We'll answer all of your trademark, patent, and copyright questions. We also offer an Intellectual property blog full of information including "The Cost of Registering a Trademark", "How to Trademark a Phrase", “How to Protect Your Trademark” and “Starting a Business in Philadelphia (Protect Your Brand)”.
With ties to Philly, Gerben works with clients throughout the Philadelphia region, including other metro areas like Pittsburgh, Lancaster & Scranton.
You’re in good hands with intellectual property services when it comes to our firm. Visit us online for more information. We look forward to working with you.