
250 South 16th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
United States

Eisenhower Fellowships

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Eisenhower Fellowships identifies, empowers and links emerging leaders from around the world, helping them to achieve consequential outcomes across sectors and borders. EF provides a transformational experience leading to lifetime engagement in a global network, where dialogue and collaboration make the world more prosperous, just and peaceful.

Eisenhower Fellowships (EF) is a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization founded in 1953 as a birthday gift to President Dwight Eisenhower from a group of prominent U.S. business leaders. We bring 40-50 mid-career professionals, ages 32-45, to the U.S. annually and send 8-12 U.S. citizens or permanent legal residents overseas as Eisenhower USA Fellows.

International Fellows follow an intense program of meetings, conferences, speaking engagements and cultural events, typically visiting 8-10 U.S. cities. We schedule for them 50-70 appointments with leading experts in their field wherever they are located in the U.S. EF staff handles all of the administrative and logistical details of the travel. USA Fellows have a similar experience overseas.

The program provides professional enrichment, leadership development and network expansion. Fellows have an opportunity to take time out from their occupations to meet leaders and senior experts in their field, enhance their leadership skills, and become part of a global network of Eisenhower Fellows. The network fosters international cooperation, furthering what Dwight Eisenhower said was the purpose of the program, which is to further in very practical ways mankind’s highest goal: peace with justice.

Higher Education & Research
Global Affairs